Tuesday, June 22, 2010


An authentic expression, innocence.
Flow and ease of movement.

A beautiful essence, nature.
Harmonious and free of loose ends.

A creative energy, ingenuity.
Indispensable and with purpose.

A conscious reception, meaningful.
Depth of value beneath the surface.


Anonymous said...

I just wanted you to know that I put your link on my blog! I hope that's okay. It's always easier to ask for forgiveness than permission, la la la. :) If you don't want to be linked, let me know.

JeweyLama said...

I am grateful for the recognition. This is my first blog, so any followers I get are wonderful, especially fellow soul pancakers. :)

Anonymous said...


World Elephant said...

Agreed. This is awesome. I'm also a fellow soulpancaker. I'm Tarkin.